The Item Editor toolbar

Many toolbar buttons in the Item Editor (of the Advanced Editor) are similar to buttons in word processing and spreadsheet programs. Buttons with similar functions are grouped in the following table. To see a button name while working, place the mouse over a button.

Buttons or Button Groups Use to...


Save, Print, Preview Print, Cut, Copy, Paste, and Redo or Undo changes.

Note: These commands work only on plain text.

Check or validate items for XML formatting errors.
Check item spelling.
Find, Find Next, and Replace text.
Select new row with XML data for editing. This button is unavailable.
Click to hide or show the XML code.
Preview an item to view it as students will see it. Previewing saves a copy of the item to your My Items list in the library.
Apply variable formatting to the selected text. This is equivalent to clicking var in the entity window.
Apply TeX formatting to the selected text. This is equivalent to clicking tex in the entity window.
Toggle between an edit mode, where you can change variable or TeX data, and a preview mode where you can see the rendered version of the variable or TeX expression in the MasteringAuthoring window.
Open the Help system.
View information about Altova, the developer of an editor on which the Advanced Editor is based.


See also:

The Item Editor workspace

Item editing basics